We have a passion for serving the least, lost and last.
We are an all-volunteer organization. Since the world is so large, we started out with a focus working with our reliable contacts in Honduras. More recently, we have expanded our outreach to the nation of Haiti. We also feel a responsibility to assist closer to home, and have made contributions locally in New York State, in addition to the international work. And we are now sponsoring Prayer Events in New York State.
Rather than create new works, we seek to come along side established ministries and provide needed support. This aid is not only through fundraising, but also through providing advice & guidance, recruiting workers and teams to serve alongside those working on the front-lines, and promoting their activities to others.
Our Board
Dr. Lee & Annie McCune, Glenn & Jan Orser, David Schutrum, Kathy & Bob Hayes, Will Thiel & Patty Brammer, Bill & Jeannie Daley, Fernando & Mary Beth Puerto
Our Work
The primary focus of Storehouse Mission Support has been in the nation of Honduras. We have sponsored medical mission trips, helped in construction projects, supported an orphanage and school, provided guidance and advice, run a water filtration project, and raised money through fundraising events. Read more about our work in Honduras.
Our newest project is a weekly Youth Sports Program in the impoverished village of Habitat. And we are hoping to begin our Medical Clinic there by the end of 2024.
Storehouse Mission Support has partnered with a work in Haiti called Peak Partners Missions. Peak Partners serves a very rural area called Belot with a Christian School (New Birth School) and a School Lunch program. Read more about the work in Haiti. Storehouse has advised and assisted Peak Partners to become their own independent charity organization, which is now operating independently of Storehouse. We continue to maintain a close and supportive relationship with this important work.
New York
Raised Funds for Cornerstone Manor, a refuge and support center for homeless and displaced women.
Raised Funds for Catholic Charities of Western NY to fund community services to the needy without regard to race or religion.
Sponsored New York Women’s Prayer Events.
Women’s Prayer Summit, Buffalo, NY October 2019
Women’s Prayer Summit 2020, from New York City, October 2020, broadcast globally to more than 10,000 people via the internet. View a recording of the event at: https://player.vimeo.com/video/469287883.
Supported local outreach activities in the Buffalo, NY area, with funding for a local Homeless Care Program, granting funds to the Another Way to Live Program, and providing laundry equipment to the Family Promise program that provides temporary shelter for displaced families.
Storehouse has recently partnered with a home church ministry in Pakistan called Open Covenant Life Ministries (OCLM).
OCLM ministers to children with Sunday School printed materials and a feeding program.
OCLM passionately spreads the Gospel through regular street evangelism.
Mission Trips
Multiple Medical Mission trips to treat needy people in the barrios, prisons, and rural areas around Tegucigalpa, Honduras
One Medical Trip to Costa Rica working with Serve International.
Established a water filtration project in 2 villages in Honduras, providing sanitized water to more than 50 families.
Distributed portable home solar systems to provide reading light and charging ports in areas without electricity.
Assist with funding to ship containers of food and supplies to Honduras.
Why We Exist
Storehouse Mission Support was formed by a group looking to come along side a specific Christian Mission Work in Honduras. But the vision was always to expand the Support further, both to other countries and also closer to home. In selecting projects to assist, the following founding principles guide the process:
Purpose of Storehouse Mission Support: To fund, supply, train, send, promote and support Christian Missionary Activities
Fund: To provide operating money, raised through direct donations and fund raising events
Supply: To supply materials/supplies/equipment for missions, through donations and purchases
Train: To provide training to missions and their supporters, through classes and conferences
Send: To sponsor short term mission trips and long term mission assignments
Promote: To advertise and promote individual missions as well as missions in general
Support: To provide guidance, advice, administration and oversight when necessary and helpful
The following definitions help determine eligibility for support from Storehouse:.
Christian Principles: A recipient must be guided by Christian Principles, which are defined to minimally include the belief that (1) the Bible is God’s divinely inspired inerrant word and serves as the guideline for life, and (2) Jesus Christ, co-equal member of the Holy Trinity, is mankind’s personal Lord and Savior, to be followed and served as He taught in the Bible.
Christian Missionary Activities: Individuals or nonprofit organizations will be providing Christian Missionary Activities when they 1) follow the Christian Principles stated above and 2) exist to teach—through word, action, service and love—Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Salvation.